• Sagona Europe Equity SCSp

  • Our European fund

    Venture Capital investments made in Europe are implemented through Luxembourg-based alternative investment vehicle, Sagona Europe Equity SCSp, formed as a special limited partnership and that invests in seed and early-stage European tech companies involved in industries and verticals such as global innovation, fintech, healthtech, greentech and impact venture. Sagona Europe Equity implements direct investment in companies and fund of funds using equity and convertible bond.


    Sagona Europe Equity SCSp is managed by Luxembourg-based investment consulting firm, Sagona Consulting, acting as general partner and AIFM (alternative investment fund manager registered with the CSSF in accordance with Article 3(3) of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Act of 12 July 2013) whose team is composed by seasoned people based in Europe who have been entrepreneurs and executives with a proven and successful track record in sales, business development and management. Their knowledge, expertise and insights are determining factors in the success of our venture deals in Europe.


    ISIIN Code: LU2700302461

  • Seed


    5 - 7 years

    Investment term

    100,000 €

    Minimum ticket

    1M €

    Maximum ticket

    Series A / B


    5 - 7 years

    Investment term

    1M €

    Minimum ticket

    5M €

    Maximum ticket

  • Contact us

    For any further information about Sagona Europe Equity SCSp, please contact directly Sagona Consulting (Luxembourg) Sarl-S or fill out the form below.

    15 rue de l'Industrie
    L-8069 Bertrange
    +352 27 86 13 13